Monday 28 May 2007

My New Shoes

I love em. It took me ages to get a pair in me size, as every kid on the estate was down JD Sports getting em.

Thankfully me mate Wayne came across a pair of size 4's on his last 'shopping spree' in Chigwell. He got lucky and come across a right posh house that was having some kiddies birthday so whilst they were playing pin the tail on the donkey he managed to get in and nick all the presents.

Little Winston Jr thought Christmas had come early, we got a Mr Frosty, Operation, 2 Bratz Dolls, a Pink Nintendo DS and five games. I'm delighted as I finally got me Heely shoes, so I can now do knock and run and get a head start. Especially if I am posting Russell's shit through me annoying Neightbours doors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debbi - what happened to Tameesha - you never mention her?