Tuesday 1 May 2007

I'm back

Yes, it been ages, and I'm sorry. That bloody Richard Branston cut off Tylers cable cos we was protesting at having no SKY channels, which means he no longer has Wireless I can piggyback on. I knew we should have just stopped buying his pickle.

It's taken me the last four weeks to crack the passwords that me selfish neighbours have on their broadband - but finally I have managed to work out Mr Theodopolopodis' by going through the menu at the local Greek restaurant, fat git.

I never got enough money to go to the US of A, as me take over of Cash Converters didn't go to plan, as it turns out the reason they shut down was cos all the stuff was knock off... so all I ended up making was £30.48 selling knock off fags to the local kids.

No one has made any offers for Russell, nothing...

But I am now back, so look out for me updates!


Anonymous said...

Great to see you are back Debi - I'm surprise the council haven't had anything to say about Russell living in one of their flats. Also, I'd be intrigued as to how you got him up the stairs, or was the lift working at the time?

Debi Starr said...

The council don't know Russell lives here and I hope you aint gonna tell em... they don't even know I live here, they think me gran does, I aint informed them she died over a year ago, as her giro comes in handy for buying me fags and Curly Wurly's for little Winston.

It took a bloody age to get Russell up here, as no the lift weren't workin... it took two bags of carrots and a packet of bubble gum to get him to our floor, he can be a stubborn bugger at times.