Wednesday 7 March 2007

Enfield Poltergoose

Did any of you see the telly programme about the Enfield Poltergoose last night? I was forced to watch it cos Mr Branston's taken SKY away! It's alright for him being driven around in a big hot air balloon, I bet he don't even have cable, I bet he's got that SKY Plus.

Anyway, I had to watch that Poltergoose thing, cos little Winston Jr got into it, and was hoping that those girls heads might spin round like that girl from the Exorcist. It was a little disappointing really, as there weren't any swearing or head spinning, and you didn't get to see any actual poltergooses. I think those girls made it all up themselves to be honest, they seemed the sort, right common as muck.

We have a poltergoose in this house. I'm not sure yet whether he swings both ways or not, as it's always trying to climb into bed with me at night and little Winston Jr's always complaining that something yanks the covers off him at night (though it could be Russell as he's been shitting a lot of feathers recently).

I think I would get that rentakill in like they did on Ghostbusters, rather than those science men that went to that house in Enfield, as they get rid of the ghosts with some zapper, rather than just taking round a tape recorder and trying to talk to it and get it to do tricks for over a year!


Anonymous said...

Was this a program about bird flu, as you mention a poltergoose?

Debi Starr said...

No, it wasn't about a bird, it was about a ghost. Though I guess it could be the ghost of a bird, as long as it wasn't a pigeon, I hate them!

Anonymous said...

In that case, surely you mean a poltergeist?