Friday 16 March 2007

Hello China!

Me nerdy mate Tyler, who lives in the flat below, tells me that people are viewing me site from all over the world. Apparently I have friends in China from Taipei, Chengdu, Jinan and even somewhere called somethink like Ping-a-ling!

Other than the man in me local Chinese Takeway I don't actually know any Chinese people. In fact I am not sure that he is actually Chinese, as he said he comes from Peckham. Though he is ever so nice, as he always gives little Winston Jr the left over batter from the sweet and sour chicken balls.
I ain't ever been to China, though I've been to China Town in London and I do like your food. So to all me new friends from China, Welcome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about them not really coming from where they say they are from. The bloke in our local Indian says he's Indian but turns out he comes from Bradford!